Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thanks to Dee

I started this post so many times but I had to keep deleting my words, 
I'm at loss for words, me the queen of babble. 
I'm overwhelmed. 
I started my day in tears and you managed to make me ecstatic by the end of the day.

They say when one door closes another door opens, 
and I guess that’s true if you’ve got a wonderful person who loves you to help inch that door open…. Thanks Baby

The Curse of the New Laptop

My first laptop was a gift from my Dad. He purchased it and presented it to me, fait accompli. I had no say about the brand or the specs but hey, it worked and it was a gift, so who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth. I learned to love my faithful 14" Compac. We had good times and bad times together.
When C finally outlived its usefulness, I decided to upgrade. I choose C's replacement; and this I did with CARE. The new laptop was pricier than initially budgeted for but I loved it. I simply adored it. C had instilled in me a love for small, portable laptops and all things Helwett Packard, so my new laptop was an 14" HP envy, special edition. A wonderful machine with excellent specs and features for its time.
When I got that new "HP envy" about four years ago, I walked around with an unbelievable high. So, when less than a month after I got it, some idiot with Robin Hood tendencies climbed through my window in my Hostel and deprived me of my new baby I was understandably devastated. I sat on the floor of my pal Nelson's room that morning and bawled my eyes out. I had a little breakdown that morning and I don't think I ever recovered from that loss.
 My dad gifted me with another laptop to replace baby, a Sony VAIO, a huge monstrosity of a machine, that performed admirably and survived a lot of disasters but that I never particularly bonded with. When the VAIO, after fighting the good fight for over three years, finally gave up the ghost (with a little help from ECG, but that's a whole new blog post) I selected my next laptop based on my preferences, and obtained yet another HP envy and this baby was fully loaded. It was love at first sight.
Now considering my prior experience with midnight bandits and HP envys I was understandably apprehensive about my new purchase; but seriously what are the odds? I mean lightning doesn't strike twice in the same spot, right? RIGHT? Wrong... to an extent.
Another generous soul attempted to deprive me of my newly acquired possession via a window at night. Luckily my Envy survived the larceny attempt and the aspiring felon had to make do with my Blackberry and beloved digital camera.
Now don't get me wrong I'm grateful my laptop wasn't stolen but I can't help feeling like HP envy and me are a bad combination. I miss my Phone dearly, particularly as I'm no position to buy a new one any time soon (excuse me, I just bought a laptop? money does not grow on trees you know) and don't get me started on the information I lost with the Phone and Camera (Yes, I know I should have backed up My Info, I meant to, just wasn't expecting to lose the dratted phone, so sue me).  I guess the curse still remains though it may have changed in form.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Prep Time

So last night, I spent some time reading through my old posts. I observed several things;

First of all there were a lot of typos, and I mean a lot! wow. I guess I have to learn to read through my posts before putting them up for the world to see.

Secondly, I was very self derogatory in several of my posts, which is funny because in reality I think very highly of myself.

Lastly and Sadly, my bold proclamations and promises last night were not a first time thing. they were a recurring theme in my posts. I have decided not to let this derail me, so what if I have made these resolutions on several occasions? So what if I have never once followed through to the end? If at first you don't succeed. I guess you just try again.

However a wise man once told me that Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, so I guess I'd better come up with a better way of achieving results other than blogging about my attempts.

The serial novel is however a go. I created a new blog for it, (clean slate and all that) so check it out when you get the time
some of you may already be familiar with the beginning but this time I intend to finish it

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Final Fresh Start

The Hiatus is officially over;I'M BACK! 
So I'm a fully qualified and "gainfully" employed legal practitioner. I'm no longer a student (well technically I'm taking some finance classes, so I guess I'm no longer a Full time student). I spend a majority of my time drafting dry legal proceedings, I've even started dreaming about work and I desperately need a creative outlet so I'm back to where it all began; here with y'all (yes I'm fully aware no one reads this Blog).
I'm undertaking two projects. The first one is inspired by my favourite "Form 1 girl" and fellow blogger Rambling Loner. I'm going to try my hand at writing a serial novel, I'm not sure what it will be about or if it will even be any good but I'll try and I will see it through to an end, be it good or bad.
Secondly, I'm undertaking a self improvement project. I have issues, some I adore and several I avoid thinking about as they depress me. This year I'll address Three of said depressing issues: my weight, my laziness or as I prefer to call it, disorganisation and my lack of "follow through" (which probably stems from my laziness and disorganisation). And to ensure that I follow through I will document my efforts, here, on this blog (sorry in advance, you might be in for some really self absorbed posts).
I hope at the end of the year I'm proud of myself, that at the end of the year I'm a little bit better than I was at the beginning of the year. 
Naturally(for me anyway) I make all these decisions at the start of March, the month of my birth. Maybe this time, for the first time, I'll surprise myself...